Affiliate Disclosure: Some links on this blog are affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products and services I trust and use myself.
The SparkFun ESP8266 “Thing” is one of the cheapest Internet of Things (IoT) platforms available.

There are some great examples on how to post data to, but we need to modify that code in order to pull data from a website. That is accomplished with the humble HTTP GET request. I put together a quick example that pulls and prints it to the serial console. Note that you will need perform some slight modifications to the board (or use Realterm) to see the serial data.
[Updated 11/26/15] Added #include <WiFiClient.h>. Thanks, Naguissa!
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <WiFiClient.h> // WiFi information const char WIFI_SSID[] = "My_WiFi_SSID"; const char WIFI_PSK[] = "My_WiFi_Password"; // Remote site information const char http_site[] = ""; const int http_port = 80; // Pin definitions const int LED_PIN = 5; // Global variables WiFiClient client; void setup() { // Set up serial console to read web page Serial.begin(9600); Serial.print("Thing GET Example"); // Set up LED for debugging pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Connect to WiFi connectWiFi(); // Attempt to connect to website if ( !getPage() ) { Serial.println("GET request failed"); } } void loop() { // If there are incoming bytes, print them if ( client.available() ) { char c =; Serial.print(c); } // If the server has disconnected, stop the client and WiFi if ( !client.connected() ) { Serial.println(); // Close socket and wait for disconnect from WiFi client.stop(); if ( WiFi.status() != WL_DISCONNECTED ) { WiFi.disconnect(); } // Turn off LED digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); // Do nothing Serial.println("Finished Thing GET test"); while(true){ delay(1000); } } } // Attempt to connect to WiFi void connectWiFi() { byte led_status = 0; // Set WiFi mode to station (client) WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Initiate connection with SSID and PSK WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PSK); // Blink LED while we wait for WiFi connection while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led_status); led_status ^= 0x01; delay(100); } // Turn LED on when we are connected digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); } // Perform an HTTP GET request to a remote page bool getPage() { // Attempt to make a connection to the remote server if ( !client.connect(http_site, http_port) ) { return false; } // Make an HTTP GET request client.println("GET /index.html HTTP/1.1"); client.print("Host: "); client.println(http_site); client.println("Connection: close"); client.println(); return true; }
Thanks for the post. I’m doing a home alarm system and using a GET request to my server to raise alerts. This example is perfect as base to the program.
One detail: There’re two libraries missing needed to run the sketch:
Libraries missing (deleted by comments system):
Added. Thanks!
thanks for example
I want to ask a question
const char http_site[] = “”; get request
but when i write here esp “GET request failed”
so when I want to request in the site after “/” not respond
what is the problem?
I don’t think I am following what you are trying to do. Can you post your code?
Line 9: const char http_site[] = “”;
Line 96: client.println(“GET /example HTTP/1.1”);
what am I careless!
thank you very much naguissa it works..
“”Line 96: client.println(“GET /example HTTP/1.1”);””
I have this problem: ” ‘WiFi’ was not declared in this scope ” on line 73
some solutions?
Do you have the lines
at the top of your code?
My webpage is returning JSON which gets printed to the serial console by this section:
// If there are incoming bytes, print them
if ( client.available() ) {
char c =;
How can I store this into a variable so that I can use it with a JSON parsing library? I’ve been struggling with this for days…
You will need to create a buffer (probably a byte or char array) and store everything you get from You will also need to look for an “End of File” or “End of Stream” character (or set of characters) to let the loop know when you’re done. I’m not sure what this would be from your webpage, so you’ll have to look at the output to determine that. A good example of how this works is the readPage() function in this example:
How much time it will require to connect with WiFi.
my module(olimex esp8266 dev board) LED still blinking not connected to WiFi after upload the sketch several times.
connected successfully
What if I want to set a cookie before accessing a webpage.. That’s because the webpage redirects to some other page without that cookie..
I honestly don’t know much about how cookies are implemented. I think your best bet is to figure out what information the server is looking for and hardcode it into the header for that particular request:
Ok.. thank u 🙂
How can I read out the source code of a website? or webdokument
I have a txt-file on my server with temperature data which I want to display via a esp8266
If you are using a browser on a desktop, you can press ‘F12’ to view the source (HTML). Are you using the ESP8266 as the server, or is the ESP8266 trying to read the text file from another computer?
Yes the ESP8266 is trying to read a text file from a webserver
The text file just look like this:
From a browser on another computer, can you navigate to the site “” and see the contents in the browser window? This will let you know if the server is responding to GET requests.
What method would I use to send a variable to a php file using this code?
I have tried the same way I do with the regular Ethernet.h library but nothing is showing up in my database…
client.print( “GET /add_data_motion1.php?”);
client.print( motion1 );
client.println( ” HTTP/1.1″);
client.print( “Host: ” );
client.println( “Connection: close” );
I’m really not familiar with PHP at all. Sorry! My only guess would be maybe try POST instead?
I want to fetch the JSON data from Node.Js Server to ESP8266-01 using http GET method.
I have used Software serial definition as
SoftwareSerial ser(A8,A9); // Connect TX and RX of ESP8266 (A8 for TX A9 for RX) of ATMEGA2560.
In the code i have written
ser.print(String(“GET “) + “/details HTTP/1.1/\r\n” +
“”+ “\r\n” +
“Connection: close\r\n\r\n”);
// Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial
String line = ser.readStringUntil(‘\r’);
Serial.println(“closing connection”);
where ser is defined function for ESP8266-01 is Local server IP address from where i have to fetch the JSON data(data and time in my case).
But i am not able to fetch date and time data.
Are you able to access the JSON data from another client, like your computer?
Additionally, I’m not super well versed in Arduino’s String object. Try doing a Serial.print with your entire GET request to make sure it looks right. I get the feeling trying to concatenate a String object with strings (arrays of characters) might not work that well.
Yes.I am able to access data from another client.
Sir ,i will post my query again in more understandable form.
We have created Node.Js server in our office network for testing purpose.
Now i am able to send the data to Node.js server that is temperature and humidity values are getting updated to Node.js server.
Now i am stucked with receiving the data from Node.Js server(date and time from internet ) to ESp8266 and have to dispay on serial monitor of arduino which is not happening .
Here is the code.
I have initialized for ESP8266 for ATMEGA 2560 as below shown code and
used ser.println function,hope using “ser” is correct?
SoftwareSerial ser(A8,A9);
Then in the esp8266 function as
void esp_8266()
String cmd = “AT+CIPSTART=\”TCP\”,\””; // AT cammand for TCP/IP connection
cmd += “”; // node.js Server Ip address
cmd += “\”,5000″; // HTTP port no.
ser.println(cmd); // Sending AT cammand
if(p == 1)
if(ser.find(“Linked”)) // Serching for responce from ESP8266
Serial.println(“Connection Made for Receiving data”);
int deviceid = serialNumber;
String getStr = “GET /log/345/12/status/”; // /log is the url , 345,12 ,status are parameters which are hardcoded for testing
getStr += DHT.temperature; //room temperature
getStr += “/”;
getStr += DHT.humidity; //room humidity
getStr += “\r\n\r\n”;
cmd = “AT+CIPSEND=”; // AT command to send Data at TCP server
cmd += String(getStr.length()); // send data length
ser.println(cmd); // Wrighting the AT command to ESP8622
if(ser.find(“>”)) // Serching for responce to send data from ESP8266
ser.print(getStr); // Printing the string with sensor data to send on ESP8266 module
delay (100);
ser.print(String(“GET “) + “/details HTTP/1.1/\r\n” +
“”+ “\r\n” +
“Connection: close\r\n\r\n”);
// Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial
String line = ser.readStringUntil(‘\r’);
Serial.println(“closing connection”);
Ah, I have not tried doing a GET using AT commands. Are you able to retrieve a known good site like using AT commands?
No Sir.
Since I am not familiar with AT commands on the ESP8266, I recommend looking at another example, like this one. See if that works for you. You’ll have to change the Serial1 to your SoftwareSerial.
How i can switch Serial Port with ESP8266WiFi.h for Serial1? I will use that code with my Arduino Mega
Which ESP8266 library are you using? The one referenced in this post is meant to run on the ESP8266 itself (no Serial AT commands).
Hey man, where can I get the header files “ESP8266WiFi.h” and “WiFiClient.h”? Do share the link, thanks! 🙂
Those can be found in the ESP8266 Arduino library:
hey man, I’m getting this error below. Any idea why?
In file included from C:\Users\01738\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266WiFi\src/ESP8266WiFi.h:33:0,
from C:\Users\01738\Documents\Arduino\ESP8266_ATfromcode2\ESP8266_ATfromcode2.ino:9:
C:\Users\01738\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266WiFi\src/ESP8266WiFiType.h:26:19: fatal error: queue.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
Using library ESP8266WiFi at version 1.0 in folder: C:\Users\01738\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266WiFi
exit status 1
Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560.
aw, man. the comment system deleted this:
#include “queue.h”
compilation terminated.
I don’t think queue.h exists for the Mega. Try compiling for “Generic ESP8266” or “SparkFun ESP8266 Thing” in the Boards menu.
requesting this side:,9.16E&tz=1
from my browser I get correct results. However having changed line 10 to
const char http_site[] = “,9.16E&tz=1”;
I got “GET request failed”
What went wrong?
Thank you for any hint!
That seems odd since it’s a fairly basic HTTP page, no SSL or anything. Do you have any more information on the error, such as an HTTP status code? Can you successfully request other non-SSL sites?
Thanks for responding! I’ve tried other sites e.g. with success as well as However this site or this usefull site,9.16E&tz=1 respond to an browser request but don’t accept a connection from within the sample program. May be you find the time to test it by your own.Thank you for supporting me.
here is my minor modifyed code (line 9-12, ine 97ff:
// WiFi information
const char WIFI_SSID[] = “—“;
const char WIFI_PSK[] = “—-“;
// Remote site information
//const char http_site[] = “”;
const char http_site[] = “,9.16E&tz=1”; // this one don’t respond
const char site[] = “”; // this one don’t respond -> no server connection however as browser request it works fine!
//char site[] = “”; // this one works fine, “got connection”
const int http_port = 80;
const int LED_PIN = 16; //16=red LED 2=blue LED on ESP-12 board
// Global variables
WiFiClient client;
void setup() {
// Set up serial console to read web page
Serial.println(); Serial.println();
Serial.println(“Thing GET Example”);
// Set up LED for debugging
// Connect to WiFi
// Attempt to connect to website
if ( !getPage() ) {
Serial.println(“GET request failed”);
void loop() {
// If there are incoming bytes, print them
if ( client.available() ) {
char c =;
// If the server has disconnected, stop the client and WiFi
if ( !client.connected() ) {
// Close socket and wait for disconnect from WiFi
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_DISCONNECTED ) {
// Turn off LED
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
// Do nothing
Serial.println(“Finished Thing GET test”);
// *************** Attempt to connect to WiFi
void connectWiFi() {
byte led_status = 0;
// Set WiFi mode to station (client)
// Initiate connection with SSID and PSK
// Blink LED while we wait for WiFi connection
while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led_status);
led_status ^= 0x01;
// Turn LED on when we are connected
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
Serial.println(“WiFi Connected”);
// ************* Perform a HTTP GET request to a remote page
bool getPage() {
// Attempt to make a connection to the remote server
// if ( !client.connect(http_site, http_port) ) {
if ( client.connect(site, http_port))
{Serial.println(“server connected”);
return true;}
Serial.println(“no server connection”);
return false;}
Hi Shawn,
how can I get more (error-) informatiom when accessing this web site,9.16E&tz=1 With the little sketch i send yesterday I can succsessfull reach other web sites e.g. etc. The web site in question is smoothly accessinle via an internet browser. Did you encounter the same problem accessing the site?
Thank you for any hint!
Alright, I got it working. As it turns out, you can’t list the full URL in http_site. It should just be the base site, “” (no http://) otherwise the DNS server won’t return an IP address. You then need to add the resource location “/rstt/oneday?date=9/14/2016&coords=47.73N,9.16E&tz=1” right after “GET.” I don’t have a standalone ESP8266, so I couldn’t use your code exactly. Here is what I used on the SparkFun Thing:
Edit: Code formatting doesn’t seem to work in comments, so I posted it here:
BINGO!!! Thank you so much Shawn, I got the right answer now. Running on an ESP8266 all you need is to #include and
#include :-))
Beeing so happy now I like to send you a littel present. Whats your postal address? Pls supply it to my email account.
Next step will be decoding/parsing the json file. Any hint how to get started?
Glad to hear it! I recommend looking into a JSON decoding library, such as
Thanks for the example and support! May I ask for help again.
While setup WiFi connection my scetch – based on your example (thanks again!) – occasionally (app. every third call) end with an Exception (9) …
I’ve no idea what’s the reason nor how to avoid this :-((
char versions_id[] = “ESP__WEB_test_V6”;
const char WIFI_SSID[] = “***”; // WiFi information
const char WIFI_PSK[] = “***”;
const char http_site[] = “”; // Remote site information
const int http_port = 80;
const int LED_PIN = 16; // global variables & definitions
WiFiClient client;
char c; // incomming char from WEB-server
unsigned long delayMillis; // delay loop time
unsigned long pause = 20000; // prog paused
// JSON stuff
StaticJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; // Memory pool for JSON object tree.
char json[500]; // JSON object char array, filld with server response
String head = “”; // HTTP header from server
int json_i=0; // index for json char array
int JS_bracket = 0; // counter for JSON { and } brackets
void setup() {
Serial.begin(115200); // Set up serial console to read web page
Serial.println(); Serial.println(versions_id);
pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // Set up LED for debugging
void loop() {
head = “”; // reset server response string
JS_bracket = 0; // reset json bracket counter
connectWiFi(); // Connect to WiFi
if ( !getPage() ) { // Attempt to connect to website
Serial.println(“GET request failed”);}
else {
Serial.println(“GET request ok”);}
while (client.connected() ) {
if ( client.available() ) { // If there are incoming bytes, print them
c =;
if (JS_bracket == 0) {head=head+c;} // fill in server response
if (c == ‘{‘) {++JS_bracket;} // ectraxt json object
if (c == ‘}’) {–JS_bracket; }
// still to do: skip white space outside “..”
if (JS_bracket > 0) { //Serial.print(c); // look for matching closing bracket
json[json_i]=c; json_i++;}; }
json[json_i]=’}’; // add a closing } bracket
Serial.println(“stop client”); // If the server has disconnected, stop the client and WiFi
client.stop(); // Close socket and wait for disconnect from WiFi
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_DISCONNECTED ) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn off LED
// *****process server data here
Serial.println(“processing server data”);
// for (int i=0; i<=json_i; i++) {Serial.print(json[i]);} Serial.println(); // control print
delayMillis= millis()+pause; // 5 minutes intervall
do {
} while (millis() < delayMillis);
Serial.println("***********start after pausing***********");
// *****end processing server data
//******************connect WiFi***********************
void connectWiFi() { // connect WiFi
byte led_status = 0;
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // Set WiFi mode to station (client)
WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PSK); // Initiate connection with SSID and PSK
while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) { // Blink LED while we wait for WiFi connection
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led_status);
led_status ^= 0x01;
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); // Turn LED on when we are connected
//***********************get page***************
bool getPage() { // Perform an HTTP GET request to a remote page
if ( !client.connect(http_site, http_port) ) { // Attempt to make a connection to the remote server
return false;
client.println("GET /rstt/oneday?date=9/14/2016&coords=47.73N,9.16E&tz=1 HTTP/1.1"); // Make an HTTP GET request
client.print("Host: ");
client.println("Connection: close");
return true;
some one eats text inside angle brackets
#include ..ESP8266WiFi.h..
#include ..WiFiClient.h..
#include ..ArduinoJson.h..
#include ..TimeLib.h..
Hello I’m Pete, this is my result, but I only want the value of the input, in this case “1234”. Somebody know how I can parsing this result, I have seeing in but the return is between “” and isn’t my case.
Thank you in advance. I appreciate it your help
Finished Thing GET test
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand. Where are you getting this input from?
Hi to all
I´m newbie in arduino and ndemcu, and I have a question.
I´m testing my nodemcu esp8266 1.0 esp-12E module module with arduino ide and I already made some little projects and all it´s working fine.
I would like to know if its possible to access a url from nodemcu , i.e.,
I have a account in voipraider thats allow me to send a sms through this url:
If I paste this url in any browser, voipraider send a sms to destination_phone.
My goal is create a sketch in nodemcu to send a sms using this url.
Its possible ?
If yes, could you please help me with some code to use in arduino ide (not LUA) ?
I would be very grateful if you could help me.
Thanks for your attention
I’m sorry, but I am not familiar with NodeMCU, so I don’t think I’ll be able to help you much. If you are just pasting a URL into a browser, then you are making an HTTP GET request. As long as you can do that with your microcontroller, then you should (in theory) be able to make the SMS request.
Hi to all
I´m newbie in arduino and ndemcu, and I have a question.
I´m testing my nodemcu esp8266 1.0 esp-12E module module with arduino ide and I already made some little projects and all it´s working fine.
I would like to know if its possible to access a url from nodemcu , i.e.,
I have a account in voipraider thats allow me to send a sms through this url:
If I paste this url in any browser, voipraider send a sms to destination_phone.
My goal is create a sketch in nodemcu to send a sms using this url:
Its possible ?
If yes, could you please help me with some code to use in arduino ide (not LUA) ?
I would be very grateful if you could help me.
Thanks for your attention
[…] تاپیک ها رو مطالعه کنید ببیند کمکتون می کنه . Quick Tip: HTTP GET with the ESP8266 Thing | Shawn Hymel Receive html from web page – Everything ESP8266 arduino – ESP8266 WiFiClient simple HTTP GET – […]
Thanks for that. It saved a lot of time and ultimately is very simple. I am using it as the basis to record sensor data on my own cloud. I haven’t had much luck with analog sensors on the ESP8266 but still useful for PIR sensors etc.
Is it possible to make a http get request per second via esp8266??
The response time is slow. I want to upload sensor data second by second. Is there any method to do it? Sir, Please help!!
You should be able to make an HTTP request once per second with the ESP8266. However, several factors may prevent getting a response every second. For example, your internet connection may be slow (try pinging your destination server to see if you get a response time of >1 s). If you’re trying to receive more than a few bytes as an HTTP response, the ESP8266 is likely too slow to process it. Additionally, if you are using a site like ThingSpeak to log your data, you are limited to posting once every 15 seconds, so make sure you read the fine print in whichever service you are using.
Hi ShawnHymel 🙂
How can I send GET/POST from my website using php and receive data on my ESP ?
You would need to set up the ESP8266 as a server and have your page send an HTTP request to it. Here’s an example of doing this locally (ESP8266 is set up as a WiFi access point and web server). Note that you’ll likely have to set up port forwarding on your home router to send requests specifically to your ESP8266’s IP address.
I had solved this problem already. Thank you for your reply.
Good to hear. May I ask what approach you used?
I configured my router to do portforwarding, and it works perfect 🙂 I received data on ESP from my website. I used JQuery library in my website to send HTTP GET request to the IP address(ESP).
how can do it loop forever??
// WiFi information
const char WIFI_SSID[] = “My_WiFi_SSID”;
const char WIFI_PSK[] = “My_WiFi_Password”;
// Remote site information
const char http_site[] = “”;
const int http_port = 80;
// Pin definitions
const int LED_PIN = 5;
// Global variables
WiFiClient client;
void setup() {
// Set up serial console to read web page
Serial.print(“Thing GET Example”);
// Set up LED for debugging
// Connect to WiFi
// Attempt to connect to website
if ( !getPage() ) {
Serial.println(“GET request failed”);
void loop() {
// If there are incoming bytes, print them
if ( client.available() ) {
char c =;
// If the server has disconnected, stop the client and WiFi
if ( !client.connected() ) {
// Close socket and wait for disconnect from WiFi
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_DISCONNECTED ) {
// Turn off LED
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
// Do nothing
Serial.println(“Finished Thing GET test”);
// Attempt to connect to WiFi
void connectWiFi() {
byte led_status = 0;
// Set WiFi mode to station (client)
// Initiate connection with SSID and PSK
// Blink LED while we wait for WiFi connection
while ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, led_status);
led_status ^= 0x01;
// Turn LED on when we are connected
digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
// Perform an HTTP GET request to a remote page
bool getPage() {
// Attempt to make a connection to the remote server
if ( !client.connect(http_site, http_port) ) {
return false;
// Make an HTTP GET request
client.println(“GET /index.html HTTP/1.1”);
client.print(“Host: “);
client.println(“Connection: close”);
return true;
Sorry that I missed this last month! The loop() function is found in the Arduino framework. If you dig through Arduino’s source code, you’ll find a main() that looks something like:
So the main() is hidden from users, who just need to implement setup() and loop() functions.
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