Using an ESP32 as a web server and using WebSockets to control hardware

How to Create a Web Server (with WebSockets) Using an ESP32 in Arduino

A few months ago, I created a video showing how to use WebSockets with an ESP32. WebSockets have proven to be very fast (relatively speaking) at controlling hardware over WiFi. They still rely on TCP, but they have little overhead, so the latency is much less than other methods (e.g. using separate web pages). However, I’ve had a few requests to show how to implement a web server on the ESP32. So, this tutorial will cover exactly that (but I’m still keeping WebSockets, because they’re cool).

If you like your tutorials in video format, here you go:



Rather than just host a simple web page, we’re going to build on the WebSocket idea. Let’s have our ESP32 be an access point (AP) and host a web page. When a browser requests that page, the ESP32 will serve it. As soon as the page loads, the client will immediately make a WebSocket connection back to the ESP32. That allows us to have fast control of our hardware connected to the ESP32.

ESP32 web server and WebSocket server diagram

The WebSocket connection is two-way. Whenever the page loads, it first inquires about the state of the LED from the ESP32. If the LED is on, the page will update a circle (fill in red) to reflect that. The circle on the page will be black if the LED is off. Then, whenever a user presses the “Toggle LED” button, the client will send a WebSocket packet to the ESP32, telling it to toggle the LED. This packet is followed by another request asking about the LED state so that the client can keep the browser updated with the state of the LED.

Hardware Hookup

Connect an LED to pin 15 of your ESP32 (don’t forget a limiting resistor! Something like 330Ω should work). Note that I’m using an Adafruit Feather HUZZAH32, so your pin numbering might be different.

Connecting LED to ESP32


Install SPIFFS Plugin

An ESP32 with an attached flash storage chip, like our HUZZAH32, can be configured to hold files, much like a mass storage device. However, it uses a very basic file system (there are no folders–files are just stored in a flat structure). This file system is known as the “Serial Peripheral Interface Flash File System” (SPIFFS). You can read more about SPIFFS here.

We need to use a special program to upload files over SPI. Head to and follow the instructions to install the Arduino plugin. Once done, restart Arduino, and you should see the option ESP32 Sketch Data Upload in the Tools menu.

ESP32 SPIFFS upload plugin in Arduino

Install Arduino Libraries

Make sure you have the ESP32 board definition installed for your particular board. If you’re using a board that’s supported by the Espressif Arduino board manager (such as the Adafruit HUZZAH32), you can follow the directions here.

Download the .zip files for the following libraries and install them in Arduino.

Arduino Code

Enter the following code into a new Arduino sketch. Take note of the SSID and password–we’ll need these to connect our phone/computer to the ESP32’s AP.

#include <WiFi.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <WebSocketsServer.h>

// Constants
const char *ssid = "ESP32-AP";
const char *password =  "LetMeInPlz";
const char *msg_toggle_led = "toggleLED";
const char *msg_get_led = "getLEDState";
const int dns_port = 53;
const int http_port = 80;
const int ws_port = 1337;
const int led_pin = 15;

// Globals
AsyncWebServer server(80);
WebSocketsServer webSocket = WebSocketsServer(1337);
char msg_buf[10];
int led_state = 0;

 * Functions

// Callback: receiving any WebSocket message
void onWebSocketEvent(uint8_t client_num,
                      WStype_t type,
                      uint8_t * payload,
                      size_t length) {

  // Figure out the type of WebSocket event
  switch(type) {

    // Client has disconnected
    case WStype_DISCONNECTED:
      Serial.printf("[%u] Disconnected!\n", client_num);

    // New client has connected
    case WStype_CONNECTED:
        IPAddress ip = webSocket.remoteIP(client_num);
        Serial.printf("[%u] Connection from ", client_num);

    // Handle text messages from client
    case WStype_TEXT:

      // Print out raw message
      Serial.printf("[%u] Received text: %s\n", client_num, payload);

      // Toggle LED
      if ( strcmp((char *)payload, "toggleLED") == 0 ) {
        led_state = led_state ? 0 : 1;
        Serial.printf("Toggling LED to %u\n", led_state);
        digitalWrite(led_pin, led_state);

      // Report the state of the LED
      } else if ( strcmp((char *)payload, "getLEDState") == 0 ) {
        sprintf(msg_buf, "%d", led_state);
        Serial.printf("Sending to [%u]: %s\n", client_num, msg_buf);
        webSocket.sendTXT(client_num, msg_buf);

      // Message not recognized
      } else {
        Serial.println("[%u] Message not recognized");

    // For everything else: do nothing
    case WStype_BIN:
    case WStype_ERROR:
    case WStype_FRAGMENT:
    case WStype_FRAGMENT_FIN:

// Callback: send homepage
void onIndexRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  IPAddress remote_ip = request->client()->remoteIP();
  Serial.println("[" + remote_ip.toString() +
                  "] HTTP GET request of " + request->url());
  request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", "text/html");

// Callback: send style sheet
void onCSSRequest(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  IPAddress remote_ip = request->client()->remoteIP();
  Serial.println("[" + remote_ip.toString() +
                  "] HTTP GET request of " + request->url());
  request->send(SPIFFS, "/style.css", "text/css");

// Callback: send 404 if requested file does not exist
void onPageNotFound(AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {
  IPAddress remote_ip = request->client()->remoteIP();
  Serial.println("[" + remote_ip.toString() +
                  "] HTTP GET request of " + request->url());
  request->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");

 * Main

void setup() {
  // Init LED and turn off
  pinMode(led_pin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(led_pin, LOW);

  // Start Serial port

  // Make sure we can read the file system
  if( !SPIFFS.begin()){
    Serial.println("Error mounting SPIFFS");

  // Start access point
  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);

  // Print our IP address
  Serial.println("AP running");
  Serial.print("My IP address: ");

  // On HTTP request for root, provide index.html file
  server.on("/", HTTP_GET, onIndexRequest);

  // On HTTP request for style sheet, provide style.css
  server.on("/style.css", HTTP_GET, onCSSRequest);

  // Handle requests for pages that do not exist

  // Start web server

  // Start WebSocket server and assign callback

void loop() {
  // Look for and handle WebSocket data

Save your code (we’ll need the Arduino directory structure for SPIFFS in an upcoming step). I’ll give my program a name like “esp32_websocket_host.” Upload the program to your ESP32 and open a serial console with a baud rate of 115200. You should see the IP address of the ESP32 printed to the screen. When you run the Arduino soft access point software on the ESP32, the default IP address is

ESP32 Access Point IP Address

Web Page Code

Let’s write a simple web page! Like most modern pages, it will contain a mixture of HTML and JavaScript. We leave out CSS, but you’re welcome to create your own .css file, if you wish to make the page look a little nicer. If you look back up in the Arduino code, you’ll see that we have a function to serve up a .css file. However, we will not be making a .css file for the sake of simplicity in this tutorial.

For SPIFFS to work, we need to put the files we wish to upload to the ESP32 in a folder named data/ inside the Arduino project directory:

 |_ esp32_websocket_host.ino
 |_ data
     |_ index.html

In Arduino, click Sketch > Show Sketch Folder to navigate to your project directory. Create a folder named data and create a new file named index.html inside that new folder. Open index.html with your favorite editor.

In index.html, paste the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>WebSocket Test</title>

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

var url = "ws://";
var output;
var button;
var canvas;
var context;

// This is called when the page finishes loading
function init() {

    // Assign page elements to variables
    button = document.getElementById("toggleButton");
    output = document.getElementById("output");
    canvas = document.getElementById("led");
    // Draw circle in canvas
    context = canvas.getContext("2d");
    context.arc(25, 25, 15, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
    context.lineWidth = 3;
    context.strokeStyle = "black";
    context.fillStyle = "black";
    // Connect to WebSocket server

// Call this to connect to the WebSocket server
function wsConnect(url) {
    // Connect to WebSocket server
    websocket = new WebSocket(url);
    // Assign callbacks
    websocket.onopen = function(evt) { onOpen(evt) };
    websocket.onclose = function(evt) { onClose(evt) };
    websocket.onmessage = function(evt) { onMessage(evt) };
    websocket.onerror = function(evt) { onError(evt) };

// Called when a WebSocket connection is established with the server
function onOpen(evt) {

    // Log connection state
    // Enable button
    button.disabled = false;
    // Get the current state of the LED

// Called when the WebSocket connection is closed
function onClose(evt) {

    // Log disconnection state
    // Disable button
    button.disabled = true;
    // Try to reconnect after a few seconds
    setTimeout(function() { wsConnect(url) }, 2000);

// Called when a message is received from the server
function onMessage(evt) {

    // Print out our received message
    console.log("Received: " +;
    // Update circle graphic with LED state
    switch( {
        case "0":
            console.log("LED is off");
            context.fillStyle = "black";
        case "1":
            console.log("LED is on");
            context.fillStyle = "red";

// Called when a WebSocket error occurs
function onError(evt) {
    console.log("ERROR: " +;

// Sends a message to the server (and prints it to the console)
function doSend(message) {
    console.log("Sending: " + message);

// Called whenever the HTML button is pressed
function onPress() {

// Call the init function as soon as the page loads
window.addEventListener("load", init, false);


<h2>LED Control</h2>

        <td><button id="toggleButton" onclick="onPress()" disabled>Toggle LED</button></td>
        <td><canvas id="led" width="50" height="50"></canvas></td>

Save this file. With your ESP32 plugged into your computer, open Arduino and click Tools > ESP32 Sketch Data Upload. Wait a moment, and all the files in the data/ folder (well, just the 1 file, index.html, for this example) should be uploaded to the ESP32.

Uploading files to the ESP32 using SPIFFS

Run It!

With the index.html file uploaded and the Arduino code running, you should be able to connect to the ESP32’s access point. Using your phone or computer, search for open WiFi access points and connect to the one named ESP32-AP. When asked for a password, enter LetMeInPlz (or whatever you set the AP password to in the Arduino code).

Since we are not running a captive portal, we will need to specifically browse to the IP address of the ESP32. Open a browser and enter (or whatever you discovered the IP address of the ESP32 to be). You should be served the index.html page from the ESP32, which looks like a button and a circle. Zoom in, if needed (as we’re not doing any fancy formatting or CSS here).

Press the Toggle LED button, and you should see the LED connected to the ESP32 flicker to life. The circle on the page should also turn red to denote the state of the LED.

Using an ESP32 as a web server and using WebSockets to control hardware

Going Further

Feel free to use this as the basis for your next Internet-controlled hardware project. I suppose it fits in the category of “IoT,” and WebSockets can be super useful for controlling hardware with much less latency than many other methods. You can also use them to get fast updates, if you wish to create a custom dashboard showing sensor data.



Debugging STM32 with ST-LINK

How to Use Semihosting with STM32

Semihosting is a debugging tool that is built in to most ARM-based microcontrollers. It allows you to use input and output functions on a host computer that get forwarded to your microcontroller over a hardware debugging tool (e.g. ST-LINK). Specifically, it allows you to use printf() debugging to output strings to your IDE’s console while running code on the microcontroller. Note that we’ll be doing this over the Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port.

Before I show you how to enable semihosting with STM32CubeIDE, note that the downside of semihosting is that it is resource intensive and very slow. This post on the Embedded in Rust blog shows how printing a simple sentence over semihosting can take over 100 ms! The upside is every ARM controller should have semihosting available, which can be a lifesaver if that’s all you have.

If you need printf-style debugging (because you can’t or don’t want to do step-through debugging), here are your options on STM32 parts:

  • Semihosting: should be built in to every ARM chip, but slow
  • Serial (UART): fast, but you need extra pins and hardware (such as a USB to Serial converter board)
  • Virtual COM Port (VCP): fast, but you need USB hardware (see my previous post for setting this up)
  • Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM): fast output over dedicated SWO pin, but it’s only available on Cortex-M3+ parts (i.e. Cortex-M0 chips don’t have it)


If you are using a Nucleo board, semihosting will work, but I highly recommend using Serial (UART) instead. It’s faster, and every Nucleo board has a built-in Serial to USB converter (it’s part of the ST-LINK chip already on the board). If you look at the schematic of your Nucleo board, you should see TX and RX lines going from the target chip to the ST-LINK chip (circled in red below).

UART lines on Nucleo-32 board

Hardware Hookup

For this demonstration, I’ll be using the STM32F070 Breakout Board that I put together (project files can be found here). You will also need an STMicroelectronics ST-LINK to use as a programmer and debugger:

Connect the following pins from the ST-LINK debugger to your STM32 part:

  • 3.3 V
  • GND
  • RST

Plug the ST-LINK into your computer.

CAUTION! Do not plug in the STM32 board (or give it separate power), as we are using the ST-LINK to power our target board. Otherwise, you might damage the target board.

Debugging STM32 with ST-LINK

Start a New Project

Create a new project for your STM32 part (select STM32F070CB if you’re using the breakout board I mentioned earlier). You can leave everything in the graphical CubeMX portion as default.


Save and generate code.

Set Linker Parameters

Before writing any code, we need to tell our linker to use the newlib-nano libraries, which houses things like our printf() function. As a result, we also need to tell the linker to ignore the default syscalls.c file. If you forget this step, you will likely end up with several errors like: multiple definition of `_isatty’

To start, go to Project > Properties.

Go in to C/C++ General > Paths and Symbols. Click on the Source Location tab. Click on the arrow next to /<your project>/Src to view the filter. Select Filter (empty) and click the Edit Filter… button. Add syscalls.c to the Exclusion patterns list and click OK.

Adding syscalls.c to the exclusion list

Click Apply.

On the left-side pane, go into C/C++ Build and select the Tool Settings tab. Then, select MCU GCC Linker > Libraries. In the libraries pane, click the Add… button and enter rdimon. This enables librdimon for us to make system calls with semihosting.

Enable librdimon in STM32CubeIDE

Next, click on MCU GCC Linker > Miscellaneous while still in the Tool Settings tab. Click the Add… button and enter –specs=rdimon.specs into the dialog box.

Adding specs to linker

If you have used another STM32 IDE before and got semihosting to work, you probably needed to specify nano.specs and nosys.specs in the linker options. If you take a look at MCU Settings and MCU GCC Linker > General (within the Tool Settings tab), you will see that both of these have been set by default in STM32CubeIDE.

Click Apply and Close.

Add printf Code

Open Src/main.c. Above int main(void) , add the following line (I put mine in the USER CODE 0 section):

extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);

In int main(void)  (before the while(1) loop), add the following line (I put mine in the USER CODE 1 section):


This configures the semihosting system calls for us.

Finally, inside the while(1) loop, add the following:

printf("Hello, World!\n");

To summarize, here is the section of code from main.c that you need to worry about:

/* Private user code ---------------------------------------------------------*/
extern void initialise_monitor_handles(void);

* @brief The application entry point.
* @retval int
int main(void)

/* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/

/* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */


/* USER CODE END Init */

/* Configure the system clock */


/* USER CODE END SysInit */

/* Initialize all configured peripherals */


/* Infinite loop */
while (1)

printf("Hello, World!\n");

Click Project > Build Project to compile and link everything.

Set Debug Configuration

Select Run > Debug As > STM32 MCU C/C++ Application. You should get a pop-up window asking you to “edit launch configuration properties.” If you have already done this once before, you will not get the launch configuration window. To get it, click on Run > Debug Configurations and select <your project>.elf under STM32 MCU Debugging.

Click on the Debugger tab. Change the Debug probe to ST-LINK (OpenOCD).

If you are using an official ST-LINK, you should be good to go. However, note that RST pin of the knockoff ST-LINK boards (such as the ST-LINK/V2 I listed above) may not work. As a result, you will need to use the software reset option when GDB starts.

To enable software reset, click Show generator options… in the Debugger tab (while still in the Debug Configurations window). Under Mode Setup, change Reset Mode to Software system reset.

Change OpenOCD to software reset in STM32CubeIDE

Go to the Startup tab and enter the following command: monitor arm semihosting enable

Enable semihosting session in gdb

This tells the GDB session to allow for semihosting. Click OK, and switch to the debugging perspective when asked.

Run It

In the debugging perspective, click Run > Resume, and you should see “Hello, World!” being printed at the bottom of the console once per second.

printf with semihosting on STM32CubeIDE

Semihosting can help you with your debugging efforts, should you need some kind of console output. Note that other standard commands, like scanf, should work (I have not tested it yet).

KiCad tutorial worksheet PCB

KiCad Tutorial – Beginner Worksheet

Download worksheet here: KiCad Tutorial Worksheet

Please note that the worksheet is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

If you would like to teach yourself KiCad, please download the above worksheet and get started! You are also welcome to download it to teach a workshop at your school, makerspace, Maker Faire, etc.

About the KiCon Beginner Workshop

The first ever KiCad Conference was a success by any measure. The event was sold out, the talks were top-notch, and the attendees were every bit as friendly as they were geeky tinkerers.

As part of that conference, I pledged my time to help run a beginner workshop. We had at least a dozen folks show up just starting out with the EDA software or looking for a refresher. To help them out, I put together a worksheet, which allowed attendees to come in and out of the room as they desired so they could attend other talks.

You are more than welcome to download the worksheet to teach yourself KiCad at your own pace, learn how to make a single-sided PCB, and mill or fabricate it if you so desire!

Be aware that the worksheet was written for KiCad 5.1.0. If you have a different version, some of the instructions might be a little off. During the workshop, we found that individuals with KiCad 5.0.x lacked the footprint for the switch, which was apparently added in the default KiCad library during the 5.1.0 update.

If you need the 5.1.0 switch footprint library, it can be found here. Note that the library has been renamed so as to avoid naming conflicts within KiCad.

Making the Board

The workshop was designed to allow folks to finish designing a full PCB on site, have it milled in the afternoon, and walk away with a full, blinking LED pin by the evening.

You are also welcome to create your own PCB based on the blinky design. If you have access to a CNC milling machine, such as the Bantam Tools desktop PCB milling machine, you can mill your own board at home. These videos might give you a good starting point to home PCB milling.

Alternatively, you could have a fabrication shop, like OSH Park, make the boards for you.

I recommend referring to this bill of materials (BOM) to figure out which components you need to buy to finish assembling your pin.


  • – GitHub repository with almost all of the files you should need
  • Worksheet – Step-by-step guide for creating a single-sided PCB with KiCad
  • BOM – Components needed to assembly the board (some soldering required)
  • Intro to KiCad Videos – My videos for DigiKey that dive into more KiCad details (note: based on KiCad 4).


SAMD21 PWM with the FDPLL

Arduino Zero (SAMD21) FDPLL with CMSIS

One of the coolest, tucked-away features in the SAMD21 is the fractional digital phase locked loop (FDPLL). I still only have a vague idea of how phase locked loops (PLLs) work, but nonetheless, we can use the SAMD21’s PLL to create a 96 MHz clock.

The bad news is that, to the best of my knowledge, you cannot use this clock signal as the main clock source for the SAMD21 (essentially overclocking it). However, we can use it to power some other peripherals, like the generic clocks, timers, and pulse width modulation (PWM) signals.

If you are not familiar with how the clocks on the SAMD21 work, I recommend reading my previous post. You will also need to refer to the SAMD21 datasheet.

Let’s take a look at how you use the FDPLL on the SAMD21.

Step 1: Select a Clock Source

The FDPLL isn’t a standalone clock. You’ll need to select a source to feed the PLL, and the source clock needs to be in the 32 kHz to 2 MHz range. According to section 16.8.19 (page 208) of the datasheet, there are only 3 acceptable clock sources for the FDPLL: XOSC32, XOSC, and a specific GCLK (known as GCLK_DPLL). You can set the clock source for the PLL in the DPLLCTRLB register.

Clock sources for DPLL on SAMD21

Step 2: Configure FDPLL

Next, you will need to set the frequency multiplier in DPLLRATIO register. There are two numbers you must configure: the ratio (LDR bits) and the ratio fractional part (LDRFRAC bits). The equation below (from section, page 158) shows how to calculate the output frequency of the FDPLL. fclk_fdpll96m is the output frequency and fclk_fdpll96m_ref is the reference clock (the input clock source).

SAMD21 FDPLL equation

So, if we want to turn a 1 MHz clock source into a 96 MHz output, we would set LDR to 95 and LDRFRAC to 0.

Step 3: Turn It On

By default, the FDPLL is disabled on reset. To enable it, we just write a 1 to the ENABLE bit in the DPLLCTRLA register.

Step 4: Use It!

The FDPLL can be used as a clock source for any of the generic clocks found in the generic clock controller. This includes the USB clock, watchdog timer, clock channels, SERCOMs, etc. Section 14.8.3 (page 107) has a table (too big to copy here) that gives you an idea of the available GCLKs. If you use one of the GCLK channels, you can use it to clock a peripheral, like PWM!

Example: A More Complicated 1 MHz Signal

In my last post, I showed you how to create a 1 MHz signal using GCLK4, TCC2, and a PWM peripheral. Let’s do the same thing, but in a much more roundabout way!

We’ll feed GCLK4 from the main 48 MHz clock, divide the clock by 48, feed that signal to GCLK_DPLL, which is then sent to the FDPLL. The DPLL will create a 96 MHz clock signal, which we’ll send to GCLK5 to be used as the basis for TCC2 and our PWM signal. This diagram should offer a much better explanation of what’s going on:

SAMD21 PWM with the FDPLL

Because our PWM clock is running twice as fast as in the previous example, we’ll need to adjust the TOP to be twice as high. We’ll use 95 instead of 47 to achieve our 1 MHz signal.

Here is the Arduino code to accomplish this:

// I have no idea why these definitions were left out of the Arduino headers
#define GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DPLL96M_Val 0x8ul  // (GCLK_GENCTRL) DPLL96M output

// Number to count to with PWM (TOP value). Frequency can be calculated by
// freq = GCLK4_freq / (TCC2_prescaler * (1 + TOP_value))
// With TOP of 95, we get a 1 MHz square wave in this example.
// TCC2 is 16 bits
uint16_t period = 96 - 1;
void setup() {

  // Flash wait states NVMCTRL->CTRLB.bit.RWS set to 1 by Arduino framework

  // Configure generic clock generator 4
  GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |          // Improve duty cycle
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |        // Enable generic clock gen
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M |  // Select 48MHz as source
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(4);         // Apply to GCLK4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Set clock divider of 48 to generic clock generator 4 (1 MHz)
  GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(48) |        // Divide 48 MHz by 48
                     GCLK_GENDIV_ID(4);           // Apply to GCLK4 4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Enable GCLK4 and connect it to GCLK_DPLL
  GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN |        // Enable generic clock
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK4 |    // Select GCLK4
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID(1);         // Feed GCLK4 to GCLK_DPLL
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Set DPLL ratio to 1 MHz * (95 + 1) = 96 MHz
                           SYSCTRL_DPLLRATIO_LDR(95);     // Ratio

  // Configure DPLL to disregard phase lock and select GCLK as source
                           SYSCTRL_DPLLCTRLB_WUF |        // Wake up fast
  // Enable DPLL
  // Configure generic clock generator 5
  GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |          // Improve duty cycle
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |        // Enable generic clock gen
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DPLL96M |  // Select DPLL as source
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(5);         // Apply to GCLK5
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Set clock divider of 1 to generic clock generator 5 (96 MHz)
  GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1) |        // Divide 96 MHz by 1
                     GCLK_GENDIV_ID(5);           // Apply to GCLK5
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Enable GCLK5 and connect it to TCC2 and TC3
  GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN |        // Enable generic clock
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK5 |    // Select GCLK5
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID_TCC2_TC3;   // Feed GCLK5 to TCC2/TC3
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization
  // Divide counter by 1 giving 96 MHz (10.42 ns) on each TCC2 tick

  // Use "Normal PWM" (single-slope PWM): count up to PER, match on CC[n]
  TCC2->WAVE.reg = TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_NPWM;         // Select NPWM as waveform
  while (TCC2->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE);                // Wait for synchronization

  // Set the period (the number to count to (TOP) before resetting timer)
  TCC2->PER.reg = period;
  while (TCC2->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER);

  // Set PWM signal to output 50% duty cycle
  // n for CC[n] is determined by n = x % 4 where x is from WO[x]
  TCC2->CC[0].reg = period / 2;
  while (TCC2->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC0);

  // Configure PA16 (D11 on Arduino Zero) to be output
  PORT->Group[PORTA].DIRSET.reg = PORT_PA16;      // Set pin as output
  PORT->Group[PORTA].OUTCLR.reg = PORT_PA16;      // Set pin to low

  // Enable the port multiplexer for PA16

  // Connect TCC2 timer to PA16. Function E is TCC2/WO[0] for PA16.
  // n for PMUX[n] is given by floor(pin_num / 2)
  // Odd pin num (2*n + 1): use PMUXO
  // Even pin num (2*n): use PMUXE

  // Enable output (start PWM)
  while (TCC2->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE);              // Wait for synchronization

void loop() {
  // Do nothing

This is certainly a crazy, circuitous route to take for a 1 MHz signal, but it offers much greater control of the PWM frequency. If your application needs this kind of control (e.g. motor controls), firing up the PLL could be incredibly helpful.

In case you’re wondering where I’m going with this project: let’s just say that this fine control of clock speeds lets us create something like a digitally controlled oscillator (DCO).

1 Mhz square wave on Analog Discovery 2

Arduino Zero (SAMD21) Raw PWM Using CMSIS

Arduino has a habit of making pulse width modulation (PWM) pins with a set frequency (or limited frequency options). For the average user, this is not a bad thing, considering it hides all the ugliness (or beauty, depending on your perspective) of manually setting registers.

For those of us that want to dig deeper into the SAMD21, there are a few options. Almost all modern implementations of the ARM Cortex architectures can use the Cortex Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS). This is a set of firmware libraries that provide an interface to the registers along with some other functions. Ideally, you should be able to use CMSIS regardless of the manufacturer of the chip (e.g. Microchip, STMicroelectronics, TI).

Some vendors have decided to include their own abstraction layer on top of CMSIS to help people configure and use their parts. In some cases, this can make setting up registers easy (especially if there is a slick GUI program that generates code for you, like STMicro’s STM32CubeMX). Microchip’s abstraction layer is known as the Advanced Software Framework (ASF).

Many professional developers swear by the vendor-provided abstraction layer (e.g. ASF). If you’re like me, you want to know what’s going on at the register level. Not that there is anything wrong with ASF, I just like to learn about the low-level stuff.

Here’s the problem: when it comes to manually configuring registers for 32-bit ARM microcontrollers, it’s vastly more difficult than it is for most other 8- or 16-bit architectures.

I’ve spent the last few days digging through the SAMD21 datasheet and online examples to get some insight into using CMSIS. On the surface, it’s not too bad: you just need to set some values in some registers to get a pin to output a square wave. In reality, it requires a good amount of code to perform this simple action.

Please note that I am just beginning to understand how the SAMD21 works, and this article is simply a chronicle of my learning journey. If you think I missed something or got something wrong, please let me know in the comments!

The best description I can find for how this works is from section 14.3 (page 95) in the datasheet:

To configure a pin for PWM requires a good bit of effort. The basic idea is to select a clock source from SYSCTRL (such as the 48 MHz system clock) and connect it to a Generic Clock Generator. The SAMD21 has 9 different generators we can use. We can configure each generator to have its own divider and mask (so that we can run various peripherals off different speeds thanks to having separate clock generators).

Then, we connect our generator to the peripheral we want. In the example below, we’ll be using the Timer/Counter for Control Applications (TCC). The SAMD21 also has a Timer/Counter peripheral (TC), but from what I could grasp, it’s “TCC lite” (i.e. TCC with less features).

Once we have our peripheral configured (TCC, in this case), we then want to connect that to a hardware pin so that we get an actual waveform to appear.

While this might seem extremely complicated, the upside is that the SAMD21 is an extremely powerful chip. We can connect and configure different peripherals in many, many different ways (thanks to all this multiplexing of clock signals!).

Let’s walk through an example of outputting a 1 MHz square wave on pin PA18. Note that PA18 is D10 on the Arduino Zero, Adafruit Feather M0, and the SparkFun SAMD21 Mini Breakout board. If you don’t have one of these boards, check your schematic to see where PA18 goes. Also, note that there are lots of ways to output a 1 MHz square wave on a pin. We’ll be doing this using a 50% duty cycle PWM and the 48 MHz system clock.

Step 1: Enable Clock Source in SYSCTRL

You have a few options for clock sources:

  • External oscillator (0.4 – 32 MHz)
  • External oscillator at 32 kHz
  • Internal oscillator at 32 kHz
  • Ultra low power internal oscillator at 32 kHz
  • Internal oscillator at 8 MHz
  • Digital frequency-locked loop at 48 MHz
  • Fractional digital phase-locked loop (48 – 96 MHz)

Some of these, like the phase-locked loop, can only be used to provide a clock signal for the peripherals. It cannot be used as a system clock. As such, the maximum processing speed of the SAMD21 is 48 MHz.

In most of the Arduino implementations of the SAMD21, the 48 MHz clock is already enabled for us (in the background, as part of the framework). That means we don’t need to initialize it our user code.

Step 2: Configure Clock Generator and Connect It to a Clock Source

Generic clock generators create a square wave (inside the chip) that we can frequency divide, mask, and connect to peripherals. The SAMD21 has 9 clock generators for us to use. We need to pick one, initialize it, and connect it to our clock source.

From what I could find, Generic Clock Generators 0 and 1 were used for other Arduino functions, so you probably want to avoid using those.

Step 3: Configure Peripheral and Connect It to a Clock Generator

The SAMD21 has several peripherals for us to use. We’ll be focusing on the TCC for this example. There are 3 TCCs for us to use, and each one has its own set of unique features. TCC0 and 1 are 24 bits wide whereas TCC2 is limited to 16 bits for its counter. From section 30.1 (page 651) in the datasheet:

SAMD21 TCC configuration chart

With TCC, we can set it to generate a PWM waveform on a pin. We will use a simple, single-slope PWM wave that counts up to a given value. During that counting process, if the value of the counter is equal to the Compare and Capture (CC) register, then the pin will toggle to low. Once the counter reaches the value in the Period (PER) register, then the pin will toggle back to high. The counter resets and starts over again.

From section (page 660) in the datasheet, we get a diagram of how the PWM counter works. Note that TOP, for this mode, refers to the value in the PER register.

SAMD21 Normal PWM operation

WO[x] stands for “waveform output,” and the x is the pin we wish to use. In the datasheet, navigate to section 6.1 (page 21) to see a chart of the pin to function mapping (too long to copy here). Under functions E and F, you’ll see the TCC options. For our PA18 example, you can see that function F is TCC0/WO[2].

Here is the really confusing part: there are only 4 CC options (CC0 through CC3) for setting the duty cycle, but the pin/function mapping chart shows up to WO[7] channels. So, how do we connect a given CC register to a WO pin that’s greater than 3? This poorly labeled chart buried away in part (page 678) holds the key:

SAMD21 output matrix

WO[7] is on the left and WO[0] is on the right. The OTMX configuration bits are found in the WEXCTRL register. By setting the OTMX bits to values 0-3, you can change which CC registers the various WO pins use.

By default, OTMX is set to 0x0, so the top row of the chart is used. Since we are using WO[2], we need to use CC2, according to the chart. If you want to use WO[5], you would use CC1.

Step 4: Set Data Direction and Peripheral for Pin

Because we’ve already configured TCC0/WO[2], that locks us in to pin PA18. Pins have a variety of functions that they can be set to (once again, refer to the chart in section 6.1).  For our project, we need to set PA18 to Function F (TCC0/WO[2]). We also need to set PA18 as an output in the data direction (DIR) register.

Example Code

Now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for (or, let’s be honest, the part you scrolled down for, skipping the above descriptions). Here is some example Arduino code to create a 1 MHz square wave on PA18 (D10 on the Zero, Adafruit Feather M0, or SparkFun SAMD21 Mini).

Note: Many thanks to MartinL on the Arduino forums! Their code snippet (found here) helped me tremendously. The following code is based on that snippet.

// Number to count to with PWM (TOP value). Frequency can be calculated by
// freq = GCLK4_freq / (TCC0_prescaler * (1 + TOP_value))
// With TOP of 47, we get a 1 MHz square wave in this example
uint32_t period = 48 - 1;
void setup() {

  // Because we are using TCC0, limit period to 24 bits
  period = ( period < 0x00ffffff ) ? period : 0x00ffffff;

  // Enable and configure generic clock generator 4
  GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC |          // Improve duty cycle
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_GENEN |        // Enable generic clock gen
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M |  // Select 48MHz as source
                      GCLK_GENCTRL_ID(4);         // Select GCLK4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Set clock divider of 1 to generic clock generator 4
  GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1) |         // Divide 48 MHz by 1
                     GCLK_GENDIV_ID(4);           // Apply to GCLK4 4
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization
  // Enable GCLK4 and connect it to TCC0 and TCC1
  GCLK->CLKCTRL.reg = GCLK_CLKCTRL_CLKEN |        // Enable generic clock
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_GEN_GCLK4 |    // Select GCLK4
                      GCLK_CLKCTRL_ID_TCC0_TCC1;  // Feed GCLK4 to TCC0/1
  while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY);              // Wait for synchronization

  // Divide counter by 1 giving 48 MHz (20.83 ns) on each TCC0 tick

  // Use "Normal PWM" (single-slope PWM): count up to PER, match on CC[n]
  TCC0->WAVE.reg = TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_NPWM;         // Select NPWM as waveform
  while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE);                // Wait for synchronization

  // Set the period (the number to count to (TOP) before resetting timer)
  TCC0->PER.reg = period;
  while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER);

  // Set PWM signal to output 50% duty cycle
  // n for CC[n] is determined by n = x % 4 where x is from WO[x]
  TCC0->CC[2].reg = period / 2;
  while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.CC2);

  // Configure PA18 (D10 on Arduino Zero) to be output
  PORT->Group[PORTA].DIRSET.reg = PORT_PA18;      // Set pin as output
  PORT->Group[PORTA].OUTCLR.reg = PORT_PA18;      // Set pin to low

  // Enable the port multiplexer for PA18

  // Connect TCC0 timer to PA18. Function F is TCC0/WO[2] for PA18.
  // Odd pin num (2*n + 1): use PMUXO
  // Even pin num (2*n): use PMUXE

  // Enable output (start PWM)
  while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE);              // Wait for synchronization

void loop() {
  // Do nothing

Run it, and connect an oscilloscope to pin PA18. You should get a nice 1 MHz signal (well, as nice as you can expect from a microcontroller). Here is the output as measured on my Analog Discovery 2:

1 Mhz square wave on Analog Discovery 2

That’s it for the setup of a PWM timer on the SAMD21. Feel free to use the code as a starting point for your own project!

Next SAMD21 article: Arduino Zero (SAMD21) FDPLL with CMSIS

Edit [12/23/18]: Added section about TCC counter sizes and updated code to reflect unsigned 24 bit maximum for TCC0.

Adding 2 drill holes

Getting Started with EasyEDA Part 1: Part Creation


Free, online development and CAD tools are becoming more popular and powerful, and PCB layout tools are no exception. In this, we are going to look at how to create a simple schematic in EasyEDA, turn it into a PCB, and send out the design files to a PCB house for fabrication.

We will do this in several parts–starting with part creation, then schematic capture, and PCB layout before sending out files for board fabrication. By the end, we’ll have made a simple linear regulator that supplies 5V and up to 1A to a breadboard and accepts a barrel jack from a wall adapter to provide power.

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SparkFun USASEF 2014 solder blob

My Time at the USA Science and Engineering Festival (USASEF 2014)

SparkFun USASEF 2014 solder blob(Image courtesy of SparkFun Electronics)


This past weekend, my fellow coworkers and I attended the USA Science and Engineering Festival in Washington, D.C. More than just attended, we had a booth to teach kids (and adults) how to solder. People would wait in line, get a free kit (Yes, free. They got to take it home.), and sit down at a soldering station where we would help them learn the basics as they made their way through the soldering kit. This was a huge hit, and apparently, it has been for some time for SparkFun.

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